Tuesday was a Good Day
I took a day off on Tuesday to go fishing with Wade and Bob. We headed up to a lake in Quebec noted for its large bass - both largemouth and smallmouth. It is a small lake with structure suitable for bass. It was a perfect day weather wise - warm but not hot, high cloud and no wind.The morning started off with a few smaller bass before I worked my float tube along the shore to a clump of dead fall trees where the action really started. The first indication of some serious fish came with a hit from a fish I guess to be around 10 inches in length. As we tugged back and forth I noticed a much larger bass come alongside my hooked fish, either trying to figure out what was going on or looking for a food opportunity. I worked as quickly as possible to get the smaller fish alongside and release him. Then it was back to the woodpile.I don't think it was the larger fish from the previous encounter but I was soon had a solid hit from a fish that immediately put a strain on my 7wt rod as I put as much pressure on it to keep the fish away from the branches. Eventually I worked him to the float tube, took a couple quick pictures and released him.
This was encouraging and it continued as I was able to hook into half a dozen fish from the same general area. Most were in the 2-3 pound range with one probably closer to 4 pounds.
By the end of the day I probably caught 5 or 6 largemouth in the 3-4 pound range and many more between two and three pounds. There were larger fish to be had but they were usually down deep. I was using my switch road and at the moment only have a floating line so was somewhat limited. Wade and Bob caught several larger fish including one Bob estimated in the 7-8 pound range.For most of the day I was using variations on a black woolly bugger. I had most of my luck with ones that included a pearlescent chenille body.
It was a lot of fun to cast around dead fall for aggressive bass. It was a challenge to keep them from diving back into the debris. The switch road was very helpful for that. Overall, using the switch rod from a float tube is working out pretty well.