A New Fishing Hole
Discovering a new good spot to fish is something special because it seems like all the good spots have been found out and are fished regularly.This summer through a tip from another fly fisherman, we checked out a new spot pretty much in the middle of other spots we fish regularly. Its a spot on a well fished river, on the edge of a new subdivision that seems to be overlooked by most people interested in fishing. On the far bank there are several houses that seem to be in a world of their own.
Our first time there was earlier this month and in the three times I have been back, we haven’t encountered any other people fishing. I think Bob and Doug have been back on other occasions with the same results. Which is great for us.
Its a section of the river that has a steady but not overpowering current, is easy to wade and most of all – has lots of smallmouth bass. The fish aren’t huge but they are willing and on a light rod put up a respectable fight, taking full advantage of the current. We catch them subsurface but as the sun sets, the bass eagerly respond to dry flies which is a ton of fun.
The fish have been so willing that one quickly loses count of the fish caught and released. The first night out Doug had worked his way along the far bank close to one of the homes along the water. Apparently he had been watched and struck up a conversation with the gentlemen observing the fishing. He offered a couple suggestions of pools further downstream but only after he commented that he was pleased to see us releasing all the fish. It seems he recognizes the uniqueness of the spot and values it staying that way. Hopefully his wishes will prove to be reality.
The dilemma for us fisherman is always the same – how to balance enthusiasm for great fishing with respect for an environment whose balance can easily be upset.