Hardwater Season
Sadly, we have moved into the hardwater season around here. For some that still means fishing but I haven't figured out how you manage to drift a dry fly in an eight inch hole in the ice and bobbing a nymph or streamer up and down the water column doesn't seem too interesting either.So that means it is fly tying season. And there is enough of that to do. Am I the only one who always seems to be missing one of the materials in the recipe?Ah well, nature's entertainment is still not too far off. Here are a couple photos from our backyard bird feeder. Potential tying material - just kidding![singlepic id=39 w=400 h=300 float=center]There are lots of blue jays these days and the turkeys make a regular appearance a couple times a day. The other birds give them a wide birth when they are scratching around.[singlepic id=38 w=400 h=300 float=center]